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Engaging November Enrichment Day

Engaging November Enrichment Day

Stephanie Knowles
Stephanie Knowles
Engaging November Enrichment Day

On Friday 4th November, we enjoyed our second enrichment day of the year.

Year 10 worked for the day with a company called ‘Enable’ focusing upon workplace skills.

Students worked in teams but with people who they generally did not work with. They completed a number of activities that required team work, problem solving and intensive communication skills. They had to fulfill specific business roles. Some took the role of managing director, whilst others were in charge of merchandise, or the finances and even promotions. Teams presented their work and prizes were awarded for the different roles and the best team overall.

Whilst year 10 were enjoyed their careers focused day, Year 9 were enjoying an Arts day. Some students were making clay poppies for a special arts installation that will feature soon within the school as a permanent ‘Remembrance’ tribute. Others were enjoying art workshops as a carousel of dance, drama, art and music.

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