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Dyslexia Support at BMS

Dyslexia Support at BMS

Dyslexia Support at BMS

Dyslexia Lunch Club (DLC) has been running since October 2021 and has been a regular point of face-to-face contact for a number of students at BMS. It is run alongside the Dyslexia Support Google Classroom which currently has around 50 students signed up and able to access its resources.


The DLC’s main aim is to provide a safe space designed specifically for students with similar learning challenges. It’s a community where different year groups meet, share experiences, and learn from one another. By creating a supportive environment, the club helps students navigate their learning with confidence and resilience.


What does Dyslexia Club offer?

Peer support: One of the most important aspects of the club is the sense of belonging; students can relate to each other’s experiences by sharing stories (the theme of this years’ Dyslexia Awareness Week), struggles and successes.

Skill-Building Workshops: The club has specific sessions which are focused on practical strategies for overcoming challenges. From effective reading, writing and spelling techniques to exam revision strategies.

Resources: There are numerous resources available to support students’ at BMS, some of these include: coloured overlays, ‘dyslexia friendly’ reading books and Texthelp Read & Write (the computer reader which is accessible from all school Google accounts). We also have a number of students who are currently trialling exam reading pens.


Why attend the Dyslexia Club?

Belonging to the Dyslexia Club can significantly impact students’ self-esteem and outlook on learning. When students realise they are not alone, they often find the motivation to face their challenges head-on. The club cultivates a positive mindset, reminding members that dyslexia doesn’t define them; rather, it’s just one part of their unique story.


Student comments:

“Dyslexia club has really helped me become more knowledgeable about arrangements that can be put in place in order to make learning easier. Additionally, the supportive environment has helped me massively with feeling comfortable with my dyslexia and not feeling afraid to ask for help.”


“Being able to socialise with others who also have dyslexia and communicating about different ways how to help the disability!”


How to get involved

Joining the Dyslexia Club is simple! Just pop in or bring your lunch to LRC3 on Wednesday lunchtime to learn more. Whether you’re looking for support, tips, or just a group of friends who understand you, the Dyslexia Club is here for you.

Theresa McDermott

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