Communication Channels at BMS
We aim to be a school that works positively and closely with parents and carers to ensure the best for our students. For this to happen, the systems in place to ensure swift and...
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We aim to be a school that works positively and closely with parents and carers to ensure the best for our students. For this to happen, the systems in place to ensure swift and...
Posted by Graeme Searle
The Internet can be a wonderful place to learn, shop, play games, and talk to your friends. Unfortunately, there are also predators, identity thieves, and others online who may...
Posted by Helen Blowers
We believe that reading underpins everything for our students. Confident readers can access the curriculum in all subject areas, understand key concepts, write to a good standard...
Posted by Graeme Searle
Our Space is full of helpful students. The new year 7s found that out this week. New school, new students, new building ‘I feel lost’ said Charlie H. Come to Our Space Charlie I...
Posted by Helen Mateides
Last week I had the pleasure of experiencing my first in-person Open Evening event at Bushey Meads School. It was a busy evening with a lot of families joining us to get a feel...
Posted by Claire Till
On Thursday we embarked on our first Drop Everything and Read (D.E.A.R) event of the academic year. “Drop Everything and Read, is a “national celebration of reading...
Posted by Claire Till
There was a lot of excitement in Miss Farr’s Year 7 science lesson on Thursday morning as she carefully demonstrated how to safely light a bunsen burner and adjust the...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
It has been heartwarming to see how well our Year 7 students and their families have already become a settled and happy part of our school. INDUCTION DAY This was a special first...
Posted by Suresh Varsani
Covid can’t stop creativity! Year 9 experienced their first Clay Lesson in the Art Department this week. With a slight hurdle in the way the past year, the year 9’s...
Posted by Gabriela Zhelyazkova
This month is Black History Month and I thought it would be a good idea to shed light on those individuals who have made a difference in the world of Technology. There are a lot...
Posted by Michael Besisira
We aim to be a school that works positively and closely with parents and carers to ensure the best for our students. For this to happen, the systems in place to ensure swift and appropriate communication need to be followed. I would therefore like to take this opportunity to remind us all what the appropriate communication channels are.
Type of Query | 1st Point of Contact | 2nd Point of Contact | 3rd Point of Contact | 4th Point of Contact |
Pastoral / Behaviour | Your child’s CDC | The Pastoral Manager for your child’s Year Group.
Only after the CDC has been fully accessed and used. |
The Assistant Headteacher linked to your child’s Year Group.
Only after the Pastoral Manager has been fully accessed and used. |
Academic | Your child’s teacher for the subject in question. | The Head of Department for the subject in question.
Only after the teacher has been fully accessed and used. |
The Head of Faculty for the subject in question.
Only after the Head of Department has been fully accessed and used. |
The Assistant Headteacher linked to the faculty.
Only after the Head of Faculty has been fully accessed and used. |
Learning Support | The Learning Assistant working closely with your child. | The relevant post holder within Learning Support (depending on the issue).
Only after the Learning Assistant has been fully accessed and used. |
The Deputy SENDCo.
Only after the relevant post holder has been fully accessed and used. |
Only after the Deputy SENDCo has been fully accessed and used. |
Every Character Development Coach and subject teacher have a maximum of 30 students in the class – meaning that they have capacity to respond to communications from parents and carers quickly. On this note, the first response may just be an email of acknowledgment and a full reply would be issued after the member of staff has had time to speak to the relevant parties.
The Pastoral Managers are responsible for 200 students and the Assistant Headteachers, Deputy Headteacher and Executive Principal are responsible for all of the 1260 students at Bushey Meads School. Therefore, if parents and carers go straight to the managers or one of the Senior Leadership Team, the systems and infrastructure we have in place across our school will not function effectively.
On very few occasions the Assistant Headteachers and Deputy Headteacher might be involved, but usually, at this level meetings have to be arranged well in advance and only when other avenues have been exhausted.
Parents and carers should also avoid turning up to the school asking to be seen by a particular person and should always contact the school first and arrange to see the most appropriate person at a convenient and prearranged time.
If we all work together to follow the procedures outlined above, Bushey Meads School will function more highly and your children will be the main beneficiaries.
Thank you to the vast majority of parents and carers who park sensibly to drop off their children in the mornings and to collect them in the afternoons. May we please remind all...
Our Space is full of helpful students. The new year 7s found that out this week. New school, new students, new building ‘I feel lost’ said Charlie H. Come to Our Space Charlie I...