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Celebrating Positivity in Maple House

Celebrating Positivity in Maple House

Nicky Hughes
Nicky Hughes
Celebrating Positivity in Maple House

As we are all aware, the past year has been very different for us all.
We have had to overcome barriers, change our way of learning and missed out on socialising with others around us.

I have been inspired by the perseverance, dedication and motivation that students have continued to show through this pandemic. With schools due to return next week, I feel that finally there is light at the end of the tunnel.

After speaking to some of Maple House’s Character Development Coaches, I would like to acknowledge some students from Maple House and the achievements they have made towards embracing new times.

Jack Mitchell – For arriving every morning to CDC with a smile on his face and having such an upbeat attitude. His humour is refreshing and a great kickstarter for everyone in the mornings.

Kush Patel – For outstanding effort in remote learning. His attendance and work rate throughout the lockdown has been exemplary in every subject. Mr Cox commented that his English teacher had said that Kush is a model student, and he is proud to be Kush’s CDC.

Poppy Silver – For having a great work ethic during the lockdown and has been positive and supportive towards her peers. Poppy always expresses how keen she is to see her CDC group in the mornings and offers lots of comments of positive reinforcement to the people around her.

George Baldry has maintained a very positive outlook and polite manner throughout.

Hana Naz has engaged in discussions with staff and students in a positive way.
Cameron Martin has shown a muturing attitude to his learning and a positive attitude to CDC activities.

Heather White and Karris Sivarajah have always joined the live lessons and made valuable contributions.

Caleb Mallon continues to work really hard to keep up with his studies. He has worked hard in his yr 11 core PE lessons to improve his fitness as well.

Frederick Jackson always logs on to morning CDC, is coping well with the changes in school and keeping up with his schoolwork.

Tulsi Harania – Has worked hard through both lockdowns to stay on track with her studies and maintains a positive approach to all the changes.

I have highlighted just a few students who has adjusted well to the new school environment, however, you are all shining stars and I am proud of the continuous efforts you are all making during these times, that have been beyond our control.

Continue with your POSITIVITY Maple House.

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