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Celebrating Elm House

Celebrating Elm House

Niralee Pattni
Niralee Pattni
Celebrating Elm House

Last week, I delivered an online assembly to Elm house and I asked them to reflect on the past year and really think about what they had achieved.

Over the course of the year, with lockdown forcing us to spend more time indoors (or in the great outdoors) on the whole, we’ve had more time on our hands! Some have challenged themselves with reading a book each week and some have learnt new skills.

It has been delightful to hear from Miss Collins and 7Elm and what have been their highlights from this year. As a CD group, they have certainly kicked off their time at Bushey Meads with a great start, by winning the MFL photo competition, as well as the Yr 7 inter house football AND basketball competition, not to mention the whopping 16 boxes of goodies that they packed up and donated to New Hope charity at Christmas time!!

Miss Collins said, ‘As a CDC we made 16 shoe boxes full of items to support the charity, my class went above and beyond and it was really inspiring and heartwarming to see.’

What really struck me was that they have also adopted a tiger through WWF. They said, ‘We get monthly updates and also this tiger toy! His name is Elmo.’ This toy tiger has now become their CDGs mascot. What a lovely thing to do and be proud of!

I personally have had the pleasure of being a CDC to 11 Elm for almost 4 years now. They all completed year 11 and left at the end of the May half term. Although they were not here this week, I know they have achieved so much and have a huge amount to be so proud of!

Their resilience, hard work and levels of motivation that I have seen from them this year, has been something I am so proud of them for. Many of them will be joining us once again as Sixth formers, but I just want to take this opportunity to say well done and wish them all the best for whatever their next steps might be!

Elm house leaderboard!

Elm house have continued to impress with their dedication towards their school work, acts of kindness and high levels of effort. Altogether, all of this has earned Elm house a whopping 17,954 points to date. Well done to all of you, I know you have been doing your best! Here are the students who are at the top of the leaderboard in their CD group!

7 Elm – Tehya Bryan with 398 points & Zak Watson at a close second with 392 points!

8 Elm – Sophie Mullings with 487 points

9 Elm – Emilian Dene with 481 points

10 Elm – Roshni Vara with 460 points

11 Elm – Vritika Bagariya with 316

12 Elm – Andrei Irimia with 189

13 Elm – Caitlyn Lynch with 99 points

A very big well done to you all. We are not far from the end of term now and I’m sure we’d all love to have the House cup for another year running! Here are a few things you can do to keep earning some points for Elm house:

Help a teacher with something during your lessons

Pick up a piece of litter when you see it

Participate in lessons to the best of your ability – put your hand up to answer a question!

Hand in wonderful homework

Lastly, try your very best on Sports Day, this will earn us lots of points and will hopefully keep us at the top of the leaderboard!

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