Marvellous Marking & Fabulous Feedback

Marvellous Marking & Fabulous Feedback

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
Marvellous Marking & Fabulous Feedback
At Bushey Meads School we are well aware that providing great marking and feedback to students can effectively increase their progress by up to 3 months in any one year. With that in mind we arrange three Marking and Feedback Fortnights a year to raise the profile of the best practice in our school and keep this important strategy high on our agenda.
Our final Marking and Feedback Fortnight this year focussed on making good use of Dedicated Improvement and Reflection Time (DIRT) and providing Golden Boxes of Challenge to stretch all learners in lessons. Our Monday Magic Moment this week led by Lead Practitioner Ms Atchuthan and Senior Advanced Teacher Miss Pattni provided a summary of our last Marking and Feedback Fortnight and highlighted some exemplary practice across the school.
In our best faculties teachers were building into the planning of lessons DIRT time, ensuring that any related success criteria was made explicit. Students were also being encouraged to be very precise in their reflections and ongoing improvements. The best challenge tasks highlighted were scaffolded to engage all learners and the use of rewards was seen as effective in increasing engagement. Often challenge in lessons was linked to expert questions being posed to encourage deeper thinking.
All staff should be proud of what they have achieved this year; there were many shining examples of great feedback being provided and challenge that is definitely supporting our students to Aspire to Achieve in all that they do.

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