The psychology of revision

Olivia De Groot
Olivia De Groot
The psychology of revision

Last Friday afternoon the Year 11 “Time to Shine” group had the opportunity to participate in a workshop led by Dr. Van der Spoel from Glia Learning. Focusing on the psychology of memory, Dr. Van der Spoel provided invaluable insights into how our minds retain and recall information.

The workshop covered various techniques to enhance memory, offering practical strategies for making revision more effective. Students learned about the importance of spaced repetition, active recall, and the role of emotions in memory retention. These strategies are not only scientifically proven but also designed to help students maximise their revision time and retain knowledge long-term.

The session was engaging and thought-provoking, giving Year 11 students a fresh perspective on how to approach their studies in a more efficient and mindful way.

We’re excited to see how these memory techniques will help our students shine brighter in their studies!

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