A Reminder of Our Core Values

A Reminder of Our Core Values

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
A Reminder of Our Core Values

Our 3 Rs or core values of Respect, Responsibility and Relationships underpin everything we do at Bushey Meads.

It has been great to hear staff and students talking more about the 3Rs and see so many students doing the simple things well; taking responsibility for wearing their school uniform perfectly, showing respect to their teachers by getting to lessons on time and building good and positive relationships in the classroom by following the One Voice Rule.

As parents and carers do remind your children about the 3Rs; especially to always tuck their shirts in, bring all equipment to lessons (including a purple pen for Dedicated Improvement and Reflection Time – DIRT) and refrain from wearing any banned jewelry (only 1 earring in each ear and no bangles or wristbands on their wrists.)

The little things really do matter and help to keep the focus at school on learning and achieving.

Smart, new, large-scale images in the Restaurant Extension remind students of our ethos and values: Respect, Responsibility, Relationships, KIndness and Achievement.

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