Are You A Good Person?

Are You A Good Person?

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
Are You A Good Person?
This was a key question posed by our inspiring Head of Faculty for PE and Health, Mr Cartledge this week in his Main School Assemblies that he led as part of our Annual Health Week. He related it to all aspects of being healthy and fit in body mind and soul, and having good and positive physical, mental and social health.
At the start of the assembly he played a really inspiring media clip of Olympic athletes when they were at school – in a similar position to all the students listening. He also provided a time of reflection for all of us to consider what incremental steps we are taking to stay healthy and what we are all doing to actively promote that concept of being a good person.
Over the last 10 years active lifestyles have definitely declined and more young people are leading a sedentary lifestyle – too much gaming, watching TV, or being on their phones. At school, during our Annual Health Week, we gather data related to this in the form of ‘bleep tests’. Mr Cartledge shared the data gathered over the last decade with the students in the assembly. There is some good news though; over the last two years students do seem to be getting a bit fitter so perhaps the message to be more active is working!
We are extremely fortunate at Bushey Meads to have such a great PE & Health Faculty who work hard each and every day to promote that inclusive ‘sport for all’ culture, encouraging everyone to get a bit fitter and more healthy by simply working hard and trying their best.
As parents and carers do support us by doing all you can to encourage your children to limit their screen time, eat healthily, do some daily exercise and get a good amount of sleep.
In terms of the key question, there are so many good people at Bushey Meads School and I would congratulate all students and staff for the goodness they show each and every day.

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