Superb STEM Activities

Superb STEM Activities

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
Superb STEM Activities

Enrichment Day last Thursday for Year 8 students saw them fully engaged in some really interesting practical activities related to the exciting world of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths).

Students were making their own robotic hands, taking genetic fingerprints and creating personalised keyrings, building large scale bridge structures out of spaghetti and marshmallows, making rope out of thin plastic bags and testing out the tensile strength using weights attached to their rope and hanging from a newton meter, making their own perfume and aftershave from raw materials and learning about how wastewater treatment is contributing to the environment in an eco friendly way.
It was a hive of activity and an opportunity for students to learn in different ways about a whole host of enriching topics. Teamwork, perseverance and problem solving skills were also intrinsically built into the activities which added to the important development of character traits and softer skills, alongside the more obvious learning experiences.
It was a great experience and a very positive day all round; a huge thank you goes to all the staff who made the superb day a reality.

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