Lunchtime at BMS

Lunchtime at BMS

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
Lunchtime at BMS
It is always a joy to walk around the school site at lunchtime and see the real variety of activities taking place.
After eating at the Pod in the Quad or the School Restaurant, students can choose to sit and chat in the Restaurant or Restaurant Extension, or on one of the many benches and tables around the school site.
Others choose to play table tennis, basketball or football, outside on the playground or in the Astro Turf. Others can go to the Gym or Sports Hall to take part in table tennis or other indoor sports.
Students can sit in the Learning Resource Centre or go to Our Space in E6 if they want a quieter environment and there they can work on the computers, read a book or play games.
Many students also like exercising on the Outdoor Gym Equipment between C and D block.
I would like to thank all students for making the most of their ‘free time’ and all the staff who do duties every week around the school site to enable all of this to happen.

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