It’s All About Attitude

It’s All About Attitude

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
It’s All About Attitude
Assistant Headteacher Mr Mitman led some inspiring assemblies this week in the Main Hall on the hugely important subject of Progress.
He packed a lot of key messages into his presentation and, if every student took on board his top tips, they would all be hugely successful! He reminded students that attendance to school, being punctual, being equipped for learning and trying your best are absolute keys to success.
As parents and carers do ensure your child is aiming for 100% attendance and is fully equipped for learning with a pencil case that includes pens and pencils, rulers, a protractor, rubber, purple pen and calculator. Do check this tonight! The purple pen is vitally important as Mr Mitman reminded students that responding to teacher or peer feedback is one of the real keys to making accelerated progress – as much as three additional months every year!
He summed up his assembly with the thought that actually it all starts with Attitude – if you have the right attitude to learning everything else falls into place. So aim high – always strive to have an Attitude to Learning of 7 in every lesson, in your extracurricular activities and at home. If you do this you will make outstanding progress.
As a reminder having an Attitude to Learning of 7 means you are a student who is:
Always self-motivated and engaged, positively contributing to learning activities. Always produces their very best work and demonstrates excellent organisational and presentational skills. Is an independent learner who demonstrates resilience to challenges and is proactive in developing their skills further. Works extremely well with other people and forms excellent relationships with teachers. Always responds to the feedback of the teacher and their peers and uses it effectively to improve their learning. Is an exemplary role model to other students in their excellent work and attitude to learning. 
What area can you improve in? 
Parents and carers – do discuss this important aspect with your children and see how they can move into or retain the Level 7 AtL 

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