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Carnegie Featured Books

Carnegie Featured Books

Claire Till
Claire Till
Carnegie Featured Books

Coinciding with the Jhalak Prize 2020 for Writers of Colour our LRC is recognising classical and contemporary literature by such authors. With a remarkable range of bibliographies, fiction and poetry students have a variety of texts they can access.

It is through such literature that students can come to empathise with a range of daily experiences and understand the true power of words as both weapons and drivers for change and unity. Two examples that we have in the LRC as part of our Carnegie reading group are The Undefeated by Kadir Nelson and On The Come Up by Angie Thomas.

A powerful ode to black history can be found in The Undefeated by Kadir Nelson. Through images, lyrics and quotes from famous people throughout history this book provides an accessible insight into the accomplishments and endurance of people ranging from Serena Williams to Tamir Rice and the Politician John Lewis.

The fiction novel On The Come Up by Angie Thomas charts the life of a young girl growing up against the background of poverty and discrimination whilst trying to attain her goals. This novel highlights the sense of injustice that many people feel and shows the strength of one young woman in dealing with wider social issues.

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