Cambridge Trip – 18th July 2019
As part of our Raising Aspirations our Year 7 cohort visited Cambridge and it’s colleges. What a truly wonderful day, both students and staff found it both fascinating and...
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As part of our Raising Aspirations our Year 7 cohort visited Cambridge and it’s colleges. What a truly wonderful day, both students and staff found it both fascinating and...
Posted by Des Timotheou
Deputy Headteacher Mrs Ash provided all students this week with some real ‘pearls of wisdom’ to enable them all to maximise their progress at Bushey Meads throughout this academic...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
It was fantastic to hear from Miss Lister, our superb Subject Leader of Sociology and Psychology, on Friday morning last week as she shared how effectively she uses the Mega...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
It is really encouraging to see so many students engaged in exercise every break and lunchtime and even before and after school, often taking part in self-regulated team...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
It was brilliant to hear one of the student class-readers helping to engage his peers (and indeed CDC Miss Dunsby and Learning Assistant Mrs Malik) in Friday morning’s CDC session...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
It is always inspiring to walk around Bushey Meads School during Friday morning’s Character Development Time and visit CDC groups reading together; the whole school silent apart...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
It was so nice to talk to so many lovely new Year 7 parents and carers at the two sittings of our annual Year 7 Settling In Evening held yesterday. We received so much positive...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
We are delighted to welcome Ms Turton our new Learning Resource Centre Manager to Bushey Meads School and are really pleased with the impact she has had already. Building on the...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
It is always good to see so many students involved in so many different activities at lunchtime – playing together and socialising across our lovely learning environment. We...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
Following from a comment in the Student Feedback box in H corridor, here is a reminder of the toilets that are available to students throughout the day. The students that were...
Posted by Suresh Varsani
As part of our Raising Aspirations our Year 7 cohort visited Cambridge and it’s colleges.
What a truly wonderful day, both students and staff found it both fascinating and inspirational.
We enlisted the services of a company called ‘Cambridge Tours’ who have been organising tours for a number of years.
Our fantastic guides were once either; graduates of the colleges or have been lecturers and are now retired. These inspirational guides volunteer their time to take groups of students around the city and talk about the history of the University – the students were enthralled by their stories of the past and present.
Their invaluable knowledge surrounding the University was invaluable and the students were eager to learn more about this famous University and were equally impressed with the famous people who used to attend one of the many colleges.
It is always wonderful to hear the positive feedback from both students and staff; even more amazing is to hear students say ‘I want to go to Cambridge’ this shows how successful the trip was as they are now aspiring to achieve their goal.
On Friday 15th December, the Year 12 music A Level and BTEC students visited Nicholas Breakspear school for an exciting day of talks, workshops and performances. As soon as we...
It has been heartwarming to see how well our Year 7 students and their families have already become a settled and happy part of our school. INDUCTION DAY This was a special first...