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Black Lives Matter

It was always going to be an impossible task for Acting Deputy Headteacher Mr Searle to do justice to the the Theme of the Week ‘Equality and Diversity’ in the short 10 minute year group assemblies taking place this week.

However he did definitely remind all students of the need to be aware of our own prejudices and to ensure that we understand the importance of Black Lives Matter and what the tragic death of George Floyd has come to symbolise across the world.

At Bushey Meads School we are not complacent and want to continue to raise awareness of the issues related to racism in our society and ensure that we all work hard to eradicate racism in all its forms in our own school community.

Let’s keep discussing the issues and come up with great ideas that can take place in this year’s Black History month.

Let’s also always have a ‘mind to be kind!’

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