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Beech House Assembly

Beech House Assembly

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
Beech House Assembly
Assistant Headteacher Ms Silla led the Beech House Assembly this week which encouraged all students to think about the important Theme of the Week Consideration.
She provided key examples of where consideration is seen within the school on a daily basis which encouraged students to see how well they are doing.
She also linked some powerful quotes from students in Beech House (obtained by their Head of House) to the Keys to Success – demonstrating how important it is to have consideration in lessons for others.
Consideration links strongly with our three Rs of Respect, Responsibility and Relationships and if we get those right we will be successful in school and beyond.
Linking Consideration to kindness, she left the students with a great quote to think about at the end of the assembly:
An act of Kindness no matter how small can change someone else’s life.

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