World Book Day Competitions

World Book Day Competitions

Teresa Turton
Teresa Turton
World Book Day Competitions

World Book Day Competitions

Once again Bushey Meads’ students showcased their outstanding creativity and baking skills by producing a wide range of book-themed cakes, to recognise World Book Day.

There were 21 individual entries from years 7 – 9, while 10 W made it a CDC activity with Ilayda baking a cake, Acer providing the decoration then a joint effort to decorate and share it in class. The cakes all looked amazing; I’m not sure whether the students enjoyed baking or eating them most!

All staff were asked to pick their five favourites and the top three, who will receive £10 Amazon vouchers were:

The BFG by Gracie Michaelson, 8B (A honey cake in the shape of a book covered in chocolate, finished with edible paper with drawing and writing with an edible cake pen)
The Golden Snitch by Abigail Luffman, 7B
The Three Little Pigs by Connie Hutton, 7E

Runners up, who also receive Amazon vouchers are Freya Luffman, 7B for her two-tiered Harry Potter cake and Kellie Ashby, 9E for James and the Giant Peach.
Congratulations to all students for their incredible efforts.

The few students who dressed up in fancy dress did themselves proud, so thank you to Kush Patel for his representation of The Diary of a Wimpy Kid, and Jude and Gabriel Baker who made Dr Seuss into a family affair, including the dog! It looks like they had a fun day and they too, will receive Amazon vouchers.

Congratulations also to Isabella Palan who made this amazing Cruella DeVille outfit but sadly, missed the deadline for entry. Well done Isabella!

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