Enrichment Days are Vitally Important!

Enrichment Days are Vitally Important!

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
Enrichment Days are Vitally Important!
As parents and carers do remind your children how important our enrichment days are. The days allow for extended learning to take place across a whole range of different topics that aren’t always covered in our usual curriculum but are absolutely necessary. Many of the activities are linked to statutory curriculum areas that all form part of a hugely important balanced education and develop those essential life skills and lifelong learning character traits that stand our students in good stead for the future beyond Bushey Meads.
Pictured here you can see two ends of our age-spectrum:
  • Year 7 students having great fun in the Sports Hall developing their skills of trust, resilience and overcoming challenges – collecting coloured bibs on the ground whilst blindfolded – but ably supported by their enthusiastic team
  • Year 12 students making great progress with their Extended Project Qualifications (EPQs) which form an essential part of our unique post 16 provision and a superb learning experience and stepping stone towards university study, higher level apprenticeships and the world of work
As parents and carers, make sure your students are looking forward to our next enrichment day on Thursday 1st February 2024.

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