Performance Appraisal at BMS
Head of Standards, Safeguarding and SEND Mrs Ash provided an excellent reminder at the start of this week in our Staff Briefing about the importance of the performance appraisal...
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Head of Standards, Safeguarding and SEND Mrs Ash provided an excellent reminder at the start of this week in our Staff Briefing about the importance of the performance appraisal...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
As our Year 7s start an exciting journey of learning throughout BMS, it was great to see how engaged they were in their spanish lessons last week with Mrs Crespi. Combining the...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
At BMS we take the Wellbeing of Staff very seriously. We all know that teaching is a very rewarding job but it can also be extremely challenging at times and anything we can all...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
This week we were contacted by the son of a previous member of staff at Bushey Meads School who sadly passed away at the beginning of this month. Liz Snyder was a valued member of...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
We are all aware of the huge importance of literacy and how it underpins all learning. As a school we do everything we can to develop the literacy of all our learners and are...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
We are incredibly proud of one of our Sixth Form students and have been so impressed with her journey of outstanding achievements throughout her time at BMS. Many of you will know...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
All staff at BMS understand the importance of learning and appreciate the emphasis that we as a school place on continuous professional development or CPD. Many schools locally...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
It has been so encouraging to see how well our new Year 7 students have settled into life at Bushey Meads – fully embracing our 3Rs of Respect, Responsibility and...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
It was incredibly impressive to see the raked seating in the Main Hall packed with the largest number of Sixth Form students ever for their first Welcome Assembly of the year....
Posted by Jeremy Turner
For the tenth year running A-level and GCSE results have continued to build on the excellent foundations laid by staff and students at BMS and at the end of another academic year...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
Last Friday one of our top teachers, Lead Practitioner Mrs Hoskins, provided some very positive feedback about our third Marking and Feedback Fortnight of the year. The fortnight...
One of our outstanding Advanced Lead Teachers Mr Johnson led the Friday Faculty Focus last week and shared some superb resources with all staff that will support excellent...