Performance Appraisal at BMS

Performance Appraisal at BMS

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
Performance Appraisal at BMS
Head of Standards, Safeguarding and SEND Mrs Ash provided an excellent reminder at the start of this week in our Staff Briefing about the importance of the performance appraisal process at BMS.
The setting of smart targets or objectives at the start of the academic year that closely align with the school’s improvement priorities, enables all staff to be part of the ongoing journey of incremental improvement across all areas of the school.
Performance appraisal also provides an opportunity to congratulate and thank staff for the successes they have made throughout the previous year, so it is an important and positive part of our annual cycle.
All staff set targets that focus on pupil progress so your children will inevitably benefit as we continue to support them to Aspire to Achieve and sustain good progress throughout their time at BMS.

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