Sixth Form Student of the Week

Sixth Form Student of the Week

Des Timotheou
Des Timotheou
Sixth Form Student of the Week


Andrei Irimia

12 Elm

Andrei is one of our outstanding Year 12 students and Senior Prefect.

He is hardworking and focussed with his studies.

Andrei is always available to help out within Sixth Form as well as helping out his peers.

An exemplary ambassador for Sixth Form, especially during our most recent event taking some of our prospective ‘new to school’ students on a tour of the school.


Tayla Agbugba-Cansie

12 Maple

Tayla is another one of our fantastic Year 12 prefects.

Tayla is always hardworking and dedicated to her studies.

Most recently she was involved in one of our events where she was taking some of our prospective ‘new to school’ students on a tour of the school.

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