Sam Learning

At Bushey Meads we use a variety of online platforms to support students’ learning, each week we will focus on one such platform to bring you all the information you need to make the most of these excellent resources. This week we look into SAM Learning.

SAM Learning is an online learning platform used by British schools worldwide. Students can log into their website and have access to thousands of ready-made learning activities across different school years and examination boards, including KS3, GCSE and A level.
A 9-year series of impact studies, commissioned by the EEF and completed by the Fischer Family Trust (FFT), found the impact on student outcomes (especially at GCSE level) when 10 task hours were completed over an academic year, was equivalent to 1 grade higher for at least 2 GCSE subjects.
If students would like to make rapid academic progress then log into SAM learning today and start to explore some of the fantastic learning opportunities on offer.

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