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An Update from the MFL Department

An Update from the MFL Department

Hilarie Charles
Hilarie Charles
An Update from the MFL Department

Mrs H Charles

In MFL we have had great fun creating new resources and using them in our online lessons. From voice over power points, bespoke video activities and a wealth of interactive resources, the creativity of our teachers and students is limitless!

Online books on the Kerboodle platform enable MFL students to access listening activities independently, which they then improve in DIRT time. Classroom routines continue during lock down!

Quizlet continues to be a favourite vocabulary learning resource across all MFL classrooms together with Memrise. Websites with free online resources such as Oye, Zut and Español Extra are also proving popular with students for grammar and vocabulary practice.

Our most recent addition to our online resources is free access to Mary Glasgow French & Spanish magazines and videos. There is an exciting range of resources for all key stages and students have been sent a link and password. We look forward to receiving feedback!

Year 12 students have continued to attend live speaking sessions in small groups with Señora Galán and Madame Kaleta via Google Meets. The material is shared with students in advance of the lesson, which gives them time to research the topic first.

Language learning during lock down would not be complete without trying out some French and Spanish recipes! Videos and links have been shared with students for them to try out with parents/carers permission

Thank you BMS language learners for your hard work and parents & carers for your support

Mrs Palenzuela

During school closure, I provide the fun factor by creating my own online games in Educandy, where students can choose how they play an activity in order to learn or recall previously learnt vocabulary or phrases.

To improve students’ listening skills, I record my voice in the power points when introducing new vocabulary. In this way, students can listen to the right pronunciation and repeat after me. They can also access links to listen to the whole paragraphs.

Writing is another basic skill, in which students create sentences applying their new and also previous knowledge. Sentences starters or sentences structures are very important and helpful for students.

Hasta luego!

Mrs Hargreaves

Bonjour à tous!
Have you seen the game that’s circulating on social media—show me the first 6 emojis on your keypad? They are a reflection of your lockdown experience. But, are they really? For me, like many of you, I’m sure, there are good days and there are not-so-good days, but I also think I’m a fairly positive person, so it’s always about trying to find the silver lining (even on the not-so-good days).

As a French teacher I love communicating with people, in any language, so to do that in lockdown, I’ve had to learn how to use Zoom, House Party, Google Meet, Instagram Stories, Bazaart, PicCollage, Tik Tok, I-Movie and many more apps to be able to continue to connect with people on a daily basis. I’m sure that many of you are also becoming upskilled in many new apps. Just in MFL we have introduced so many new websites and activities to try to keep you engaged.

Distance-learning has never been easy, but feeling connected to any community helps us all to work better together and this certainly been the case for those of you joining in the weekly Quizlet Live competitions and sending in your work every week. It’s so amazing to see your names appear on my computer screen! Here are just a couple of outstanding pieces of French work submitted recently and there are so many more excellent examples. Hard work will really pay off in the end, but a huge thank you from me to all of you who are continuing to connect with me in our virtual not-so-distant French classroom.

Prends soin de toi et à bientôt sur mon écran!

Mrs Paddick

In order to help my Year 9’s to learn an important grammar point in French (how to form the perfect tense), I decided that they really needed to have me explain it to them properly. Students sometimes find grammar challenging to learn just from written information and having the teacher’s explanation really helps them to absorb and retain what they are learning. So, I thought I would have a go at turning my PowerPoint into a YouTube video lesson, with my own voice and using the PowerPoint tools to illustrate my explanations, circling, highlighting and animating my slides, just as I would if the students were in front of me. This was the first time I had done this and I was really pleased with the result! Most of the students seemed to have understood the lesson well from the work they submitted to me. I will definitely be doing this again when I need to explain something complex to my students.

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