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Amazing A Level Art Lesson

Amazing A Level Art Lesson

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
Amazing A Level Art Lesson
It was a real privilege to join Miss Cole’s Year 12 A Level Art class this week and see how effective the extremely well-planned curriculum in art, covering a great variety of artistic genres and artists, is encouraging and supporting all students to achieve highly.  
The lesson started with a really good in-depth discussion about the artist John Piper’s work and a number of his pieces. Exemplary work from previous students related to the project was then shared and great teacher knowledge and effective questioning teased out the students’ prior knowledge and understanding.
Students were encouraged to approach the planned practical task with creativity and Miss Cole supported them with lots of different ideas for using a range of media and materials. The constant encouragement to take them out of their comfort zone helped to move their attainment to the next level. Some of the real strengths of the lesson included the excellent stimuli provided, the differentiated support personalised to each student and excellent questioning and dialogue using the wider language connected with the project. 
It was very impressive to see how much progress the students made in just 45 minutes!

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