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A Rich Tapestry of Languages at BMS

A Rich Tapestry of Languages at BMS

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
A Rich Tapestry of Languages at BMS
At Bushey Meads School we are privileged and honoured to have so many children and staff who speak a number of different languages and not just the French and Spanish languages taught so well within our curriculum. Many of our students and staff are bilingual or multilingual and their accomplishments and talents truly enrich our learning community.
Many of these students are fluent in their home languages and English and their proficiency and learning development in this area spills over to further success across a whole range of subjects – often they become our highest attaining students at GCSE and A level. Some students however do need some additional support, as English is their second language, and we were delighted to hear Associate Leader Mr Johnson, in our Staff Briefing on Monday, share so much best practice with all staff as to how best we can enhance our lessons to ensure great progress for these students.
His slides were shared with all staff and signposted us to so many great resources. It was an exemplary presentation and a very positive way to start our week.

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