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A focus on Willow House

A focus on Willow House

Richard Ash
Richard Ash
A focus on Willow House








As we head into the last half term of the academic year, it’s a good time to reflect on how students in Willow House feel the year has gone, especially those in Year 7 who are coming to the end of their first year at Bushey Meads School.


It has been great to get feedback from Year 7 students who have shared how they feel the House system and being part of Willow House has supported them in settling into their new school. Students have told me that : 


“ I always get help when I need it. The CDC is always willing to help us and  we do really interesting things during CDC time “


“I like the assemblies , especially as they always have a Disney video linked to the theme of the week !! “

“I love being part of Willow House as it gives everyone a team to belong to and be proud of. Getting rewards points means we all can help try and win the House cup”


A student who has settled in well is Sriman (7W). Sriman has also stood out as he is determined to help other students understand what Autism means and how this can give you  some amazing skills – in Srimans case, this comes through his interest in Space, where he is like a mini Google and can answer any question about it. Sriman and his mum, have been part of the National Autism Awareness Week run by the National Autistic Society, writing an article to help others understand how Autism makes you feel and how they can be more understanding of the challenges it brings.


We hope in the future Sriman will be able to lead an assembly on Autism and if you are interested in finding out more you can go the the National Autistic Society website (





Whilst much of this article has been looking back, there are still many activities that students can look forward to before the end of term such as Sports Day, the Year 11 and 13 Prom as well the Music and Dance event and Rewards Evenings. Finally, I would like to wish all students who still have GCSE or A Level exams left to take the very best of luck and I look forward to seeing the fruits of their labour on results day.

Mr Ash

Head of Willow House

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