STEM Potential

STEM Potential

Mo Abusef
Mo Abusef
STEM Potential

STEM Potential is a multi-year programme of activities and support, developed to help you to discover the wide range of subjects within STEM studies and to help you get into university.
You can join the programme in either year 10 or year 12 and the programme is designed to be relevant at whatever point in your school studies that you start.

What to expect
You will attend around five events each academic year at the South Kensington Campus, including:
University experience taster days

You will experience different fields of science, technology, engineering and maths to gain a better understanding of which subjects you may want to study at A-level.
During on-campus events you will gain a feel for university life, working closely with Imperial academics and students. In August of year 10, you will take part in a non-residential summer school.
We recommend that you use our eligibility checker tool to see if you are eligible to apply.
Applications will close on 08 October.
Best of Luck
Mr Abusef

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