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A Great Start to the BMS Day

A Great Start to the BMS Day

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
A Great Start to the BMS Day

We now call our Form Tutors ‘Character Development Coaches’ so that their title truly reflects the hugely important role that they have in our superb school.

They have never just filled in forms and have always focussed on reinforcing the crucial values, ethos and culture of our school that is, on a daily basis inculcated on the fabulous young learners in our care. Now their title however reflects this more fully.

Sometime they promote the value of reading (something that underpins all learning and the acquisition of knowledge), sometimes they discuss the Themes of the Week that encourage the development of character and at other times they engage in fun activities to increase general knowledge and awareness of the world around us.

Mr Donovan’s Character Development Group were doing the latter and it was a great way to start their day at BMS. It was a good team activity that got their brains into gear and widened their knowledge of current affairs around them.

It was great to see!

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