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Word of the Week: Exploring Prefix Power!

Word of the Week: Exploring Prefix Power!

Amy Druce
Amy Druce
Word of the Week: Exploring Prefix Power!

This term, we’re diving into prefixes—word parts added to the beginning of a word to change its meaning. Over the last two weeks we have explored two powerful prefixes: inter- and sub-!

🔹 Inter- means “between.” You’ll find it in words like international (between nations), interact (to act between people or things), and intersect (to cross between two points).

🔹 Sub- means “under.” Examples include submarine (a vehicle that goes under water), subway (a transportation system below ground), and submerge (to go beneath the surface).

As always, students have been exploring these word roots in their CDCs through engaging activities and quizzes, deepening their understanding of how words are formed—a crucial skill for strengthening literacy.

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