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Outstanding Lessons at BMS

Outstanding Lessons at BMS

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
Outstanding Lessons at BMS
On Tuesday of this week I walked around the school and visited some superb lessons in A Block. Across all lessons students were demonstrating excellent attitudes to learning as well as positive relationships with each other and their teachers. This aligns with verbal comments made by the Ofsted Inspection team last week:
“Pupils’ interactions were positive. The curriculum is implemented well where teachers have secure subject knowledge and pupils are more engaged in learning. Students learn about how to work hard, how to develop their character and improve their learning.”
The lessons visited included Ms Lloyd’s Year 10 Psychology class where students were discussing minority and majority influences and provided some key examples of these, indicating their excellent prior knowledge and progress made. In a Year 7 PSHE lesson I observed students using their Chromebooks to engage fully in an online learning quiz, clearly enjoying the activity and behaving well for the visiting teacher. Again this lesson wholly demonstrated what our visitors saw and commented on last week:
“PSHE in the younger years is good and made the Sixth Formers a bit jealous! Work around online safety is positive. Key Stage 3 pupils stated that they knew how to stay safe online and how to develop positive friendships and good mental health – this demonstrated the positive impact of the curriculum.”
Mrs Crespi’s Year 10 French class were demonstrating excellent attitudes to learning using lots of target language opportunities to practise their linguistic skills and develop further understanding of vocabulary and grammar, fully supporting excellent progress towards their GCSE examinations next year. The visit to lessons ended up in Mrs Charles Year 10 Spanish class and the engagement in learning, high aspiration and superb progress made, facilitated by the excellent teacher, again epitomised the positive ethos for learning in A Block and across the a school that we see on a daily basis at the school. The work in books evidenced a real pride in the students’ written work which had been marked effectively with clear next steps indicated to enable them all to make further progress.
As Ofsted noted, Bushey Meads School continues to be a safe and welcoming school delivering high quality learning opportunities at all levels and underpinned by robust and secure safeguarding arrangements: “The arrangements for safeguarding are effective. Records are accurate and detailed enough. Robust action is taken.”
The photos of Mrs Charles’ class say it all – well done to all staff and students for your impressive work and commitment.

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