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Outdoor Education at Bushey Meads School

Outdoor Education at Bushey Meads School

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
Outdoor Education at Bushey Meads School
At Bushey Meads we are continuing to develop all aspects of our learning environment to support and aid engagement and progress.
Our outdoor education programme, which was only launched last year, has really had an impact across the school and I would like to thank all staff and students for the hard work they have shown and the determination they have had to develop such a valuable aspect of our curriculum offer.
The latest photos show the amazing developments that have taken place which are supporting high engagement and progress of students.
This engagement and sense of success is definitely spilling over in other subject areas of the school.

Our next step is to develop more fully the cross curricular links and learning that can be made to further enhance all curriculum areas with this added dimension to learning.

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