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Bushey St James Trust Annual Conference

Bushey St James Trust Annual Conference

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
Bushey St James Trust Annual Conference
Continuing professional development for all staff at Bushey Meads School and across the multi academy trust is something that is taken very seriously. 
Throughout the year on a regular basis we all participate in Teacher Toolkits, one and two day conferences, listen to Monday Magic Moments and Friday Faculty Foci soundbites of best practice, partake in morning and afternoon-based whole staff training and in faculty and other team meetings each term ensure there is an ongoing focus on sharing expertise.
The desire for constant improvement through having that open door culture and genuine spirit of sharing resources helps everyone to be better at the end of the year than when they started and also helps staff to work smartly – overcoming the ongoing challenges of workload and wellbeing that exist in our sector.
Senior Lead Practitioner Mrs Hoskins and Senior Advanced Lead Teacher Miss Pattni shared about the upcoming BSJT Conference taking place on Monday 4th November 2024 and certainly whet our appetites for what should be a really positive day. 
We are all really looking forward to hearing from the keynote speaker Cat Scutt MBE, Deputy Chief Executive, Education and Research at the Chartered College of Teaching; Doctoral Researcher at UCL IOE. We are delighted to be able to welcome her to our school.

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