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Year 8 and 9 Information Evenings

Year 8 and 9 Information Evenings

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
Year 8 and 9 Information Evenings
On Tuesday afternoon and evening of this week it was lovely to welcome so many supportive parents and carers to our two Information Evenings for Year 8 and 9, hosted by our new Deputy Headteachers Mr Beswick and Ms de Groot respectively. They shared some very important information related to these two key years in the educational journey of Key Stage 3 and provided a wealth of tips and advice as to how to be a successful student and also shared how parents and carers can play an important role in that journey.
Attendance and punctuality remain real keys to success – arriving at school by 8.30 am, fully equipped and ready to learn, as well as making the most of the wealth of varied opportunities offered at Bushey Meads beyond the classroom. The two evening events were also a chance to build those all-important relationships between home and school and put some names to faces of staff at the school.
I would like to thank all parents and carers who attended and wish all of our Year 8 and 9 students every success this year.

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