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Beautiful Borneo

Beautiful Borneo

Lee Cox
Lee Cox
Beautiful Borneo
This summer, I had the honour and privilege of leading the Bushey Meads’ World Challenge expedition to the tropical island of Borneo.
At just over 7,200 miles away from our school, this was one of the farthest-reaching trips the school has ever offered and 15 adventurous students opted to take the opportunity.
The journey started back in the winter of 2023 when the trip was originally launched. Those who chose to join me then faced the task of raising the funds. This was done individually through a number of avenues including:
– Part-time work
– The sale of unwanted clothes and other items
– Using websites such as
It was also done as a group here at BMS where the students did a number of things to add money to their coffers.
Initial;y, they sold over 500 unwanted books from the LRC. Books that would otherwise have lined the bins were sold online for varying modest prices. £0.36 doesn’t look like much on its own but the students soon found that it added up and once the task was finished, they had made over £86.
This was then used to buy Krispy Kreme doughnuts which they, in turn, sold to students at lunchtime, making over £400.
Eventually, through these various means, all 15 students had enough to go on their once-in-a-lifetime trip, and when July 2024 rolled around, everyone was very excited. Me and Mr. Knowles included.
We met at Heathrow airport at 6 am on Tuesday the 16th of July with our hiking packs on and a sense of adventure in the air.
After saying goodbye to friends and family, we boarded the Emirates Airbus A380 (the largest commercial airliner in the world) bound for Dubai.
The flight was 10 hours long but with three hot meals and personal entertainment systems included, we were very content for the duration.
It took two more somewhat smaller planes to complete the journey from Dubai to Kuala Lumpur and then Sandakan in the Northeast of Borneo.
Borneo is one of the largest islands in the world and is famous for its rainforests and diverse wildlife.
Our first two nights were spent in the Sepilok Jungle Resort where we stayed in large wooden lodges surrounded by jungle. We had access to a large lagoon-like swimming pool and there was an orangutan sanctuary next door. Borneo is one of only two places in the world that orangutans may be found in the wild and to see one in its natural environment is a bucket list item. Imagine our delight then when (during an afternoon in the swimming pool) we spied two young orangutans swinging through the trees. I can’t really describe to you how that felt but I will never forget it.
Days 3-7 were spent at our community initiative. There we stayed with the Rungus tribe which is native to Sepilok. We ate local, home-cooked food and learned about their way of life. To thank them for their hospitality, we spent our days working at a local school. We helped build a hostel for the young students who have to walk two hours a day to attend school. Whilst working there, we got to see what school life is like in rural Asia and many of our students left feeling grateful for the opportunities that they had been afforded whilst attending school in the UK.
For example, one afternoon we watched them practicing the high jump using a broomstick and an old spring mattress.
Come day 10, it was time to set off on our planned jungle trek. This was a 3-day excursion into the rainforest with our hiking packs. Whilst there, we hiked through the jungle, slept in hammocks, cooked for ourselves, drank and bathed in river water, and learned how to hunt and forage. We all now know how to start a fire and trap a rabbit using just a few sticks.
This was easily the most challenging part for everyone. It was a real test both mentally and physically. I found it one of the hardest things I have ever put myself through. However, it was absolutely incredible. To be that close to the wildlife and learn how our ancestors survived was an experience that none of us will forget and will be forever grateful for.
We were rewarded with a two-night stay in the island’s Malaysian capital Kota Kinabalu. There we did some shopping, treated ourselves to some Western food (which we had all missed) and to cap it off we went snorkeling! Swimming in the coral reef with the cast of Pixar’s Finding Nemo was a wonderful way to end the trip.
Thank you, Borneo for all that you gave us. We will never forget you.
If this sounds like something you would’ve enjoyed then you may be interested to hear about the next World Challenge trip to Peru in July 2026. This is open to all students in years 9, 10, 11 & 12.
If you would like to know more then please come and find me.

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