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Outstanding Engagement and Effort

Outstanding Engagement and Effort

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
Outstanding Engagement and Effort

It has been so encouraging to see how well our new Year 7 students have settled into life at Bushey Meads – fully embracing our 3Rs of Respect, Responsibility and Relationships and already showing their commitment to Aspire to Achieve.

I spent some time this week walking around the school and was particularly impressed with a number of outstanding PE Lessons I visited. The Year 7 students were all trying their best, listening carefully to the teachers and making maximum effort to develop their skills and take their fitness and learning to the next level.
The pictures of the students engaging in the huge variety of activities is testimony to the staff and students.
I would like to thank all staff involved in last week’s enhanced Year 7 induction programme which certainly helped to settle our new cohort into their new routines and also all parents and carers of our Year 7 students for enabling them to make such a positive start to their journey at BMS.
Do enjoy the photos!

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