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A New Chapter at BMS!

A New Chapter at BMS!

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
A New Chapter at BMS!

On Monday of this week it was great to be able to welcome over 20 student leaders and Governors and Trustees to an important session on our INSET day to start the new academic year.

The session centred around generating ideas to support some of the new key priorities for the school that will help to shape our new School Improvement Plan that will direct our ongoing journey from 2024 – 2027.

There were some superb conversations and table discussions taking place around the main hall and so many creative and thoughtful ideas suggested. All the ideas will be considered and will be woven into the plan which will serve to complement our ongoing detailed self-evaluation at all levels and move Bushey Meads School to continued greatness over the next few years.
I would like to thank all staff, students, Governors and Trustees for their time and contributions.

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