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Virtual School Designated Teacher Hub event

Virtual School Designated Teacher Hub event

Sara Ash - Deputy Headteacher
Sara Ash - Deputy Headteacher
Virtual School Designated Teacher Hub event
On Wednesday the Virtual School in Hertfordshire, who support students in care, held a hub meeting within Bushey Meads. The hub meeting was for Designated Teachers from schools within Hertfordshire who hold responsibility for children who are in care.
Donna Witter, Secondary Phase Lead for the Virtual School hosted the event. As the Designated Teacher for Bushey Meads, I delivered a presentation to the visiting schools about the support in place for both students in care and students who have been adopted from care. Mrs Hughes, Intervention Manager, then talked through her role as an advocate and the key benefits having trusted adults brings to children with attachment disorder.
Interesting discussions have been held and Bushey Meads has now been asked to be a designated HUB school to share best practice locally.

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