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Preparing for Sports Day at BMS

Preparing for Sports Day at BMS

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
Preparing for Sports Day at BMS
It was great to hear from our outstanding Head of Faculty for PE and Health Mr Cartledge recently in our Friday Faculty Focus and be reminded of one of the best days in our academic calendar for bringing students together in their Houses under the umbrella of sport. Our Sports Days include everyone and there are so many different opportunities for all students to take part. Over the past few weeks there have been heated discussions in Character Development Time about which students should take part in which events or sports.

On Monday 8th July Year 9 and Year 7 students have their Sports Day and on Tuesday 9th Year 10 and Year 8 students take part in theirs. On those respective days students can attend school in their PE kit and stay in the kit all day. As students prepare in their PE lessons this week we wish them well for next week.

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