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GCSE and A Level ART trip to the Tate Modern

Sam Cole
Sam Cole
GCSE and A Level ART trip to the Tate Modern
On Friday 19th January, the GCSE  and A Level art students went on a day trip to the Tate Modern. The GCSE students have recently received their Externally Set Assignment title from Edexcel. The title they have been given this year is the word POWER.
During lessons throughout the first few weeks of the project, students are covering many different workshops of varying artists and techniques. Once these have been covered, the students will start to develop ideas of their own linking to the theme of POWER and then design their own final pieces to be made in April. The trip was designed to start students thinking about their own ideas and starting points linking to the theme. The A Level students will be getting their new title in a couple of weeks time.
All students were given small sketchbooks so they could record artist information, drawings, leaflets and stick photos in when they are printed. The students seemed to enjoy the recording process but some also really enjoyed the video installation spaces – especially the ones with the large soft cushions and carpet!

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