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BMS Teacher Receives Top Award for Educational Research

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
BMS Teacher Receives Top Award for...
I was delighted to hear this week of one of our leaders in the English Faculty at Bushey Meads, Mr Carter, being recognised for a prestigious academic award for a research project he jointly led in 2022. Alongside Dr Ian Cushing from Brunel University, Mr Carter conducted a piece of research using seven students from our school that was funded by the UK Literacy Association and published in Literacy (the leading academic journal for English teachers and those that teach literacy).
The article became one of the most downloaded articles from the Wiley research database in the last 12 months and resulted in Mr Carter subsequently winning the prestigious Wiley Research in Literacy Education Award for 2023. This accolade will be formally presented at the UKLA International Conference at the University of Exeter.
More information can be found here: Mr Carter wins Prestigious Award
Congratulations to all the BMS students involved and of course to Mr Carter.

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