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EPQ – Submission Dates Soon!

Jackson Helyer
Jackson Helyer
EPQ – Submission Dates Soon!

In the coming weeks we will be seeing this year’s entries for the EPQ. The EPQ, or to give it its full name the Extended Project Qualification, is taken by our Year 12 students as part of their studies at Post 16 level.

The fantastic thing about the EPQ is that students can choose to do their project on any topic they want, meaning that the title for the project is written by the student. It means we have so many wonderful and fun titles.
Last year we saw titles ranging from medicine to gaming, from social media to aerospace. The beauty of the EPQ is that students can learn so many valuable skills in researching a topic, being critical of the research gathered and discussing their findings. Often presented in a manner that many may recognise as a ‘mini’ dissertation, the students are supported through the year by a supervisor who they meet each week.
I am looking forward to seeing the broad range of ideas this year and seeing the culmination of all the hard work that has been put in this year.

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