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Restorative Approaches at BMS

Restorative Approaches at BMS

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
Restorative Approaches at BMS
Our 3Rs of Respect, Responsibility and Relationships underpin everything we do at Bushey Meads School. On Monday morning Assistant Headteacher Mr Mitman led the Monday Magic Moment and shared with all staff about our Restorative Approach to managing behaviour which underpins the ethos and culture at BMS. It was good to be reminded that an element of repair always needs to go hand in hand with any sanctions that are given out in line with our clear Positive Behaviour for Learning Policy.
Parents and carers play an important role in those restorative conversations and next steps and we continue to be grateful to them for the support in helping to make Bushey Meads such a great and inclusive school that doesn’t shy away from challenging poor behaviour, but always wants to see students move on positively to brighter and more positive futures.

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