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Feedback About Marking at BMS

Feedback About Marking at BMS

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
Feedback About Marking at BMS

Last Friday one of our top teachers, Lead Practitioner Mrs Hoskins, provided some very positive feedback about our third Marking and Feedback Fortnight of the year. The fortnight was an opportunity for colleagues to utilise the latest marking strategies developed this year across our learning community and try out ideas previously trialled by other colleagues. It was also an opportunity for continued development to ensure that students are using their powerful purple pen of progress to respond to specific targeted teacher feedback.

Several Marking Champions were highlighted across a number of faculties in the school, signposting colleagues where to go to see the best practice. Mrs Hoskins also announced that each faculty in the school was being provided with a smart device to support both the marking and feedback and staff wellbeing agendas at BMS; enabling teachers to give specific written feedback via the Teacher Fast Feedback APP.

It was a moment in time to remember how far we as a school have come on our journey of supporting students to maximise their progress through providing feedback and clear next steps to enhance their work – an inspiring way to end the week, last week.

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