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Cookery in languages!

Salut and Hola from Year 9 Language Enrichment day in Food

The Year 9’s were welcomed into D&T Food for the language enrichment day. They had a very sweet day baking Magdalenas and Madeleines. The students were also encouraged to use the French and Spanish words for the ingredients we were using,

What are Spanish magdalenas?

In English, ‘magdalena’ translates as ‘cupcake’. These little cupcakes are often flavoured with lemon and have a sugary crust. In Spain, magdalenas are often eaten at breakfast ( desayuno) or with a cup of coffee ( café) as a snack ( tentempié).

What is a French madeleine?

Madeleines are small French cakes ( les gâteaux) in the shape of a shell, often eaten with a coffee ( un café) in the morning or for afternoon tea ( le goûter). They are believed to have come from Commercy in Lorraine in the late 18th Century.  A young ( jeune) maid followed her grandmother’s recipe and baked the cakes for King Stanislas at Commercy Castle ( Château de Commercy).

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