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CDC Led Reading

CDC Led Reading

Graeme Searle
Graeme Searle
CDC Led Reading

We believe that reading underpins everything for our students.  Confident readers can access the curriculum in all subject areas, understand key concepts, write to a good standard and make progress.

For these reasons, one of our Lead Practitioners, Mrs Bowe, and Assistant Headteacher, Miss Till, work very hard to ensure our Friday morning CDC led reading agenda operates each and every week.  Specific texts have been selected for each Year Group – a mixture of fiction, non-fiction and short stories (to mimic the GCSE English examinations) – and CDCs either read aloud to the class or play the audio book while students follow along in their own copy with a bookmark.

For the 20 minute duration each Friday, I have the privilege to wander the school and pop into classrooms while this is taking place.  It is one of the highlights of my week.

As parents and carers, please continue to not only encourage your children to read regularly, but also to model reading yourself at home.

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