Oak House Update – High Achievers and Initiative
The challenges of this year have emphasised the importance of self-motivation and student’s use of initiative. In the latest House assembly, I had spoken to all Oak students about...
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The challenges of this year have emphasised the importance of self-motivation and student’s use of initiative. In the latest House assembly, I had spoken to all Oak students about...
Posted by Andrew Symeou
The sun was definitely shining on Wednesday morning this week as we welcomed back the children of keyworkers unable to remain at home and our more vulnerable students after the...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
As a school we never stand still and are always looking for ways to enhance the provision for the students and staff. A relatively small but significant change has been made to...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
I would like to thank all parents and carers who have taken the time to email the school and provide such positive feedback to the hard working staff at Bushey Meads who have...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
Posted by Di Mcildowie
FREE webinar for parents and careers advisers on engineering roles in the Merchant Navy on board ships on #TidalTuesday 2 March 2021 15:30-16:30 #TidalTuesday 2 March 2021...
Posted by Di Mcildowie
With the latest news from the government regarding all students in all year groups returning back to school, we might be thinking this will be the end of the impactful live...
Posted by Suresh Varsani
This week we launched our new model of face to face and live lessons. The new timings of the school day were also implemented. The rationale behind the new model was in response...
Posted by Suresh Varsani
With all the action mainly focused on COVID and what is going to happen next, there was a massive event which took place in outer space. Last Thursday Nasa’s Perseverance...
Posted by Michael Besisira
For our latest project, in order to allow students at home, and in school, to be able to complete the same projects Year 8 have been designing and making marble runs over the past...
Posted by Rae-Anne Bowyer
The challenges of this year have emphasised the importance of self-motivation and student’s use of initiative. In the latest House assembly, I had spoken to all Oak students about how to use their initiative and create their own opportunities for success. I felt that this theme was a good fit for the current environment and student’s recent experiences.
Following on from this assembly, I’d like to highlight some individual students that have been using their initiative and making the most of their lessons. Below is a list of our highest achievers in each year group.
Year 7: Hadi N
Year 8: Jed W
Year 9: Kushi D
Year 10: Anton B
Year 11: Jhanavi T
Year 12: Nathan M
Year 13: Khushali P
It is now more important than ever for our students to be motivated and push themselves towards achieving their full potential. These may be difficult and unusual times, but I challenged our students to remain focused on factors that are within their control, such as their Attitude to Learning which we know at BMS is a strong predictor of success.
The assembly ended with the question, give an example of a time that you have shown initiative? Here are some of our students’ responses.
Albert J: I have had to use my own initiative more this year, I have learnt how to research and learn independently when I need to. Some tips would be to use Google search and go on youtube to watch videos on my lesson topics. This helps me to keep up with school work.
Harry T: When I have had to miss some lessons this term, I found it useful to ask my friends for help and to share ideas on how to do home learning tasks that have been set by my teachers.
With all the action mainly focused on COVID and what is going to happen next, there was a massive event which took place in outer space. Last Thursday Nasa’s Perseverance...
Happy New Year to all of my Sycamore students and the wider student body! I hope you had a relaxing break. It’s going to be an exciting new term with lots of...