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Amazing Art Work!
Our newly refurbished Main School Reception now proudly exhibits some stunning GCSE and A level art work. Four pieces by talented BMS artists T-Ala Marsh and Abirami Jalajan were...

Hugely Positive Visit of Public Health Hertfordshire to Bushey Meads School
On Wednesday of this week, as part of our ongoing work to ensure the safety of all staff and students at the school in these challenging times, we welcomed Michaelene Holder-March...

Change of Plan Earlier this Week
As many of you are aware we have been working hard for a number of months to be able to welcome 800 Prospective Parents to Bushey Meads as part of their important process of...

Welcome Back From Humanities and Social Sciences
The Humanities and Social Sciences Faculty welcomed back all year groups to lessons over the past week. It was particularly thrilling to see the new year 7, the new GCSE and A...

1st Teacher Triad Session of the Year
At BMS we have real ambition for our students and staff alike and were therefore delighted to host our first Teacher Triad sessions of the year this week. This event saw staff...

Students Successful Free Time
As many of you will be aware, Mr Turner has invested heavily in our outdoor spaces. It has been the privilege of the Pastoral Team to witness a lot of the kindness and happiness...

Oracy and Respect
It is widely acknowledged that oral literacy is an integral part of student learning and remains a key focus not only of our curriculum but also in relation to the BMS themes of...

Kindness thought of the Week