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Summer Reading Bingo Challenge!

Summer Reading Bingo Challenge!

Danielle Bowe
Danielle Bowe
Summer Reading Bingo Challenge!
Summer Holidays are here and we are delighted to be launching a Summer Reading Bingo Challenge for all students and staff! 
Make the most of your free time during the summer and:
  • print off (or make) your own copy of the Bingo Card

  • choose a square, read the book, add title and author, ask parent/guardian to sign

  • submit your sheet to Mrs Turton by September 18th and we will enter your raffle tickets into the draw

  • get a raffle ticket for each completed line & 10 bonus ones for a full house.

  • photos of your summer reading will earn bonus raffle tickets.
  • wait to hear if you have won a prize!
To help with a ready supply of books, here is a reminder from Mrs Turton, our LRC manager, on how to access the LRC’s exciting new eBook & audio book collection:
Sora, the recommended app for accessing this digital collection, can be downloaded or accessed through the website (see instructions below) – the experience is identical whichever you choose. Available on desktop PCs, laptops, tablets and phones,  you can switch between devices to pick up where you left off or even download a book to read offline (so you can read it without internet access).  There is a link to the website on Edulink.
Once logged in, you can search for specific titles or browse by genre/category.  There is the facility to customise the display settings including a special ‘dyslexia’ font and high contrast settings that making reading more accessible.   As you read, if you are unsure about the meaning of a word, you can tap it and find a definition, you can add notes, check your own statistics to see how much time you’ve spent reading. 
Once you find a title you fancy, it will either be labelled ‘borrow’ – just click and get reading – or ‘hold’ if it is out on loan – you can see an estimated wait time and how many people are in the queue before you – just click ‘hold’ and join the queue. (Note: make sure to check regularly whether you have reached the front of the queue, as it may not take as long as you expected).   
You are able to borrow up to 5 books for 14 days and have 5 more on hold. When you finish reading, just click ‘return book’ and it will be ready for the next borrower (Note: books will automatically return after 14 days). 
  • Simply download the Sora app from your app store or

  • Enter the setup code uksecondary

  • Select Bushey Meads School from the drop down list

  • and sign in with your school GMail credentials.

Then just explore to find a book – enjoy!
If you encounter any problems or need help please email:
Happy holidays!

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