A- LIVE event
The school closure hasn’t stopped me from hosting a weekly game of QUIZLET LIVE! This is a fun resource which enables students to embed and recall key vocabulary in French or...
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The school closure hasn’t stopped me from hosting a weekly game of QUIZLET LIVE! This is a fun resource which enables students to embed and recall key vocabulary in French or...
Posted by Victoria Hargreaves
Despite these difficult circumstances, students in our shadowing group are reading vigorously and discussing the books. In these updates, we hope to share our thoughts so far on...
Posted by Teresa Turton
Acts of Kindness in the community continue with Tharun winning the award for this week. Tharun 8Maple: As a mark of appreciation and to thank all the amazing NHS staff and...
Posted by Sara Ash - Deputy Headteacher
Posted by Sara Ash - Deputy Headteacher
Keep Yourself Busy with Your Family During Lockdown With the Humanities and Social Sciences Faculty It can be difficult to find new things to do when you are stuck at home for...
Posted by Stephanie Knowles
Posted by Danielle Bowe
Teachers from the D&T faculty have used their designing and making skills to manufacture a variety of PPE equipment for NHS nurses, Pharmacists, Care workers and Supermarket...
Posted by David Chalkley
In these unprecedented times, we in the science faculty hope you and your families are all well. Being at home in the same place with the same people day in and day out can...
Posted by Damien O'Brien
As many people find themselves looking for inspiration about what to do during extended periods at home, what better than read the books you’ve had on your list...
Posted by Lynn Court
I have now successfully completed week 4 of my MOOC on ‘The Tudors’ with only 2 more weeks to go. This week was particularly interesting as it focused on the Tudor...
Posted by Sara Ash - Deputy Headteacher
The school closure hasn’t stopped me from hosting a weekly game of QUIZLET LIVE! This is a fun resource which enables students to embed and recall key vocabulary in French or Spanish. Students are enjoying the competition each week, as well as the continual sense of community when playing in teams with classmates. It’s great to see so many students playing live. R1s for participating, R2s for weekly winners – what are you waiting for to join in?
Every day at 2pm! Codes on Google Classrooms.
Mondays Y7, Tuesdays Y8, Wednesday/Thursday Y9, Friday Y10
Dear students, parents and carers, Here is our second STEM Challenge of the Week. Each week, a new challenge will be shared for students and even their families to get involved...
In addition to the whole school World Book Day activities on 4th July, MFL students celebrated this special day by completing a range of additional activities in French and...