Outstanding Into the Sixth Form Open Evening

Outstanding Into the Sixth Form Open Evening

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
Outstanding Into the Sixth Form Open Evening
It was great to welcome so many Year 11 students and their parents and carers – not just from Bushey Meads School, but also from a variety of different schools in the local area to our very important Into the Sixth Form Open Evening held on Tuesday evening this week.
The quality of the presentations in the Main Hall and around the school, informing the students and their parents and carers of the wealth of subjects on offer in our outstanding Sixth Form here at Bushey Meads, was of a really high standard; there was lots of genuine interest in gaining a place within our prestigious Post 16 provision.
All the information is on our school website, so do continue to browse through the variety of courses on offer and don’t forget to register your interest by completing an application form.
As more and more students gain success at the highest level in and beyond our Sixth Form – many of them gaining hugely prestigious places on higher level apprenticeships and on undergraduate courses at some of the top class universities in the world, we are expecting our Sixth Form to generate even more interest in the local area and competition for places will be increasingly steep.
I would like to thank all staff for making the event such a success, but especially the Sixth Form Team: Mr O’Kelly – Head of Sixth Form, Mrs Timotheou – Assistant Head of Sixth Form, Sixth Form Leaders – Mr Harris and Mr Saich and Pastoral Administrator for KS5 Mrs Sullivan for organising the excellent evening. Their attention to detail was impressive.
Our Sixth Form Senior Student Leaders, Prefects and Subject Leaders also played their part throughout the evening and were all superb ambassadors for our vibrant Sixth Form here at Bushey Meads.

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