Inspirational Assembly

Inspirational Assembly

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
Inspirational Assembly
Associate Leader Mr Obamakin led an inspiring series of assemblies this week to celebrate Black History Month and received much praise from all members of our community for the hugely important messages he presented. He reminded us that Black History Month 2023 has been set aside to be a momentous occasion to recognise and celebrate the invaluable contributions of black people to British society; he also spoke about how black people have always been at the forefront of social justice movements, fighting against oppression and paving the way for change. However, despite their countless contributions to society, the achievements of black women, in particular, have too often been overlooked or forgotten. He explained that is why, this year, we are celebrating the exceptional achievements of black women.
He reminded us that there are so many inspirational black men and women who are often overlooked in history including L’Overture and Mary Seacole and more modern examples who continue to inspire us, including the longest serving black MP in the House of Commons Diane Abbott. 
He ended the assembly by quoting from Carter G Woodson and reminding us all at BMS of the need to be a microcosm of a ‘world that is void of national bias, race hate and religious prejudice.

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